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Saturday, February 27, 2010

smash mouth

Smash Mouth : Ah, thank you, I was very impressed for the etymology of the word!

In fact, is that most of the American people about this error, as I was. It really is too bad that the fight against the experience and realism that can be done, where we had an alternative parallel world where we believe McCain to be president, and assumed that U.S. law does not do the recovery. (Or maybe it would?) That the economy is likely to bleed jobs worse.

You can call Krugman a dumbass, as you did in your response before, but of course, who the hell are you? John Doe PhD (piled higher and deeper) in the voodoo economics to crush the mouth politics at the University

I often simplify the economic history of the United States and overlooked a lot since the beginning of the Reagan era. Was not so smooth and rosy.

“We know what works,”

Oh, and we do, we? Are you sure exactly what you think you know, just because thats all you hear the right wing echo chamber.? We will see, I suppose.

For your information, there are no socialists “” in the White House, so as not disturbed you have a little heart righty. ;

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